
Evolution of medical writing


History and expansion of medical writing as an outsourced service. In India, Medical writing has evolved from Atharva Veda, Sushruta Samhita and Charaka Samhita, which included scripts of medical information for each therapeutic ailment. Globally, similar observations were noted on papyrus scrolls or walls. With the paradigm shift to writing …

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How do doctors consume medical content?

How doctors consume...

With the development of research and technology, there has been tremendous growth in medical content generation and consumption, especially among doctors, for the uptake of new information. Focusing on data consumption by clinicians or doctors still studying online was surveyed. These surveys may not exactly depict the physicians’ online referrals …

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How the ways of content consumption have changed over the years

How the ways of content..

The use of content and its business strategies have changed over time. For instance, people are weighing the benefits of short-form content over long-form and vice versa, creating a topic of debate. Hence, here we are discussing the pros and cons of both forms of content and their benefits to …

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